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CX 700 ASW

Our CX 700 ASW windows consist of aluminium-wood profiles with a thermal break, which ‘cuts off’ the flow of heat between the inside and outside. They can be used for single- or multi-leaf windows, including the concealed leaf version. Architecturally, they have a reduced visual impact, both laterally and centrally

Richiesta informazioni

    Casement, fixed mirror, tilting, and tilt and turn windows may be installed.

    • Air permeability: UNI EN 12207 (Class 4)
    • Water permeability: UNI EN 12208 (Class E1500)
    • Wind permeability: UNI EN 12210 (Class C4)
    • Thermal insulation: UNI EN ISO 10077-2 (*1,25 W/m2K)
    • Noise reduction: UNI EN ISO 140-3 (up to 44 dB)

    Main dimensions:

    • Fixed frame: 71 (external view only 67 mm)
    • Movable frame: 90 mm (hidden door)
    • Counterframe: 70
    • Interior and exterior perimeter seal: overlap
    • Accessories housing: perimeter hardware (16-mm track)
    • Corner joint: button, pin, or crimp-on bracket

    Uw value 1.25 W/(m2·K)

    With glazing Ug = 1.0 W/(m2·K)

    Certified with spacer psi = 0.036 W/(m2·K)

    On normalized window H = 1480 mm. and L = 1535 mm.

    **Uw value 0.84 W/(m2·K)

    With glazing Ug = 0.5 W/(m2·K)

    Certified with spacer psi = 0.031 W/(m2·K)

    On normalized window H = 1480 mm and L = 1535 mm.

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